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A Vue 3 Composable For File Inputs

Using the Vue 3 Composition API to help with uploading files to a server.


I developed this composable while working on a side project using Nuxt 3. I wanted to upload a file to the backend, so I needed the base64 encoded URL of the file.

Encoding a file into the base64 URL format allows you to send the file to a server through http, since the encoded URL is just a string.

I also wanted to know the filesize in bytes so I could do some client side validation if the file was too large.

The Composable

import { computed, ref } from "vue";

export default function useFileInput() {
  const fileInput = ref<HTMLInputElement>(null!);
  const base64Url = ref("");

  const filesizeBytes = computed(() => {
    if (!base64Url.value) {
      return 0;
    const [_head, encoded] = base64Url.value.split(",");
    return encoded.length * (3 / 4);

  const filesizeKb = computed(() => filesizeBytes.value / 1000);

   * sets the base64Url ref to the base64 encoded url
   * of the file stored in the fileInput ref
  const setBase64Url = () => {
    const { files } = fileInput.value;

    if (!files?.length) {

    const f = files[0];

    const reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onloadend = function (this) {
      base64Url.value = this.result as string;

  return {

How it works:

  • We make use of the JavaScript FileReader API to obtain the base64 encoded URL.
  • The file size in bytes can be determined by the length of URL multiplied by (3/4) because base64 encodes 3 bytes of data in every 4 characters.
    • I didn’t bother adding logic to adjust for string padding at the end of URL since it makes a negligible difference for most files.
  • The composable only supports a single file. You can tweak the code to support multiple files if desired.

Using The Composable

Set the ref attribute of the target file input element to the fileInput ref object returned by the composable. Use the onchange event of the input element to call the setBase64Url method from the composable. This will make the URL value available as well as the filesize computed values.

<script setup>
import useFileInput from './useFileInput.ts';

const {
  } = useFileInput();


  <input type="file" ref="fileInput" @change="setBase64Url" >
    Filesize Kb: {{ filesizeKb }}
    Base64 URL: {{ base64Url.slice(0,20)}}